Inventory Management Advice

Making better use of the data in your inventory system

Principles of Good Inventory Management

Reducing Ordering Delays

Introduction The lead time for an item starts when the item should be ordered, not when the order is sent to the supplier. To find out the effect on the required investment in inventory of that time difference, see the table in the article entitled “Reducing Lead...
Principles of Good Inventory Management

Reducing Reorder Review Periods

When the computer ascertains which items should be ordered now, that is called a “reorder review”. This is often done for a single supplier at a time in preparation for sending an order to the supplier for a number of items. The amount of time between...
Reducing Lead Times

Reducing Lead Times

Reducing effective lead times is a good starting point for improving inventory management. One reason is that most improvements in that regard do not require any computer programming. Another is that, even if there are major problems hindering the achievement of good...